Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clash of the titans

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Slick Rick - Facebook Freestyle

I mean, it's cool that Slick Rick is dropping freestyles on there and shit, but Facebook is still the most ghastly creation to hit the internet since the picture of that porn star with the prolapsed colon. It scares me that some of the most psychotic, feral kids I went to school with are now frequenting an online social networking site, and the only thing more soul-destroying than reading banal updates by people you once respected, is being subjected to other people's abhorrent conversations about Facebook on public transport or in supermarket queues.

Not like the days of Myspace. Good ol' Myspace, which was the only site on the 'net a gentleman could find a naive girl up for relatively strings-free sex AND old hardcore bands who were willing to share their rare and/or unreleased recordings with you in under 10 clicks of a mouse. But was sex with bipolar middle class girls into drum &amp; bass and having Mike Neider hook up a copy of the M.A.D demo worth being bombarded by fat, tattoed Goff munters pestering you with their gruesome burlesque pictures? You decide.

Be warned : while these pictures aren't pornographic, they're not exactly worksafe either, and nausea may occur if you've eaten in the past couple of hours :

Andre Williams - Pass The Biscuits, Please


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