Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clash of the Titans!

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Seems we have a real life "Clash of the Titans" brewing!

Just a few weeks ago we had news that Hugo Chavez of Venezuela was attempting to regulate the Internet and make it part of his government propaganda machine, but there is a much bigger battle looming kids!

Those two giants, China and Google, are at each others throats and it could get ugly!

China wants to control the Internet, (And therefore Google) like it controls everything else!

Google, like any good free market enterprise, says; "keep yer paws off!"

Then, to make their point, (and remember, you don't have to have a point to make a point) they transferred their head office from China to Hong Kong, which still has a certain amount of autonomy!

Is this going to solve the problem folks?

Not on your life!

According to Alexa Oelson of The Associated Press, and confirmed by our own "Perspective Research Department;"

By challenging the often tetchy government, Google appears to have violated an unspoken rule of doing business in China, especially in the Internet industry - whose control Beijing sees as crucial to maintaining its authoritarian rule.

"Everybody in the Internet space operates under the good graces of the government, and if the government's not happy with your partner, you probably are going to have to change," said T.R. Harrington, founder and CEO of Shanghai-based Darwin Marketing, which specializes in advertising for China's search engine market.

While we here in the West go by the rule "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," over there the rule is a little different.........!

Don't f**k with the government!

A high-profile Communist Party newspaper skewered Google in a front-page story. And more of its partners and advertising customers in the country appeared to be distancing themselves from the company. China's second-biggest mobile phone company is scrapping plans to use Google's search function on two new phones, while the country's most popular Internet portal is reviewing its partnership with Google, executives said Thursday.

On the surface it might seem to be a clash of the titans that nobody can win, but in reality the government holds all the aces!

And if things get too rank, all that Google can do is cut and run!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !Stumble Upon Toolbar


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